Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Back once again in Florianópolis

One of my more "live" updates... Just arrived at where I'm staying for the foreseeable future...

Srv. Natalina Machado, 243
Cacupe Florianópolis - SC
CEP 88050-010

The place is 7.4km from work.

After 28hours of travelling from Amsterdam, past Frankfurt, Sao Paulo, and arriving in Florianopolis, I put my bike together and took this picture.

I'm almost done unpacking... I think I'll go get some sleep soon.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Building Internet Spaceships

I got a job offer in Brazil and I'm going to take it.

To me this is a dream opportunity, building games at a dream location: Florianópolis.

The company is called Hoplon. They build a sci-fi space simulation MMORPG called Taikodom.

I've always wanted to work with games. While the situation in Europe is improving through early 2010, finding gigs in Holland is still pretty hard. With this job offer I've had to turn down a gig for a small application I was going to develop for the iPhone...  So if anyone is interested in taking over this, you should be located in Amsterdam and have an interest in beer!

To all those I leave behind in Amsterdam. I'll miss you all. Come visit me some time.